Saturday, Jan. 03, 2004 @ 1:36 a.m.
robertall41 wrote I will

Happy new year

This will truly be a better year than the last. how do I know this? positive thinking.

This year I am going to do my best to put others first.

I will try not to worry about things I can not change.

I will not let our finances worry me sick, after all it's just stuff. if we lose what little we have it's less to worry about. if we don't have it I will trust we don't need it. If we have food and shelter that's enough.

I will try to be thankful for everyday I have breath.

I will consider pain my friend as it reminds me I am still alive.

I will try to forget I'm a Vikings fan, at least until football season starts again.

I will try to smile more and remember less.

I will try to remember to pray for my family daily.

I will try not to be so angry and critical towards myself.

most importantly I will do my very best to exspress my deep appreciation for Amy my lovely wife and remember she is a gift from GOD and try to treat as such.

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