Friday, Aug. 29, 2003 @ 11:47 p.m.
robertall41 wrote forgive and forget


Somtimes when we're harmed...

By friend or by foe.

We harbor bad feelings...

We refuse to let go.

Feelings of anger...

Sorrow and pain.

These feelings don't help us.

They're all felt in vain.

As a matter of fact...

They can tear us apart.

They dampen our spirit...

And poison our heart.

When done an injustice...

It's not easy to cope.

By dwelling on it...

It deminishes hope.

It's not easy to live...

With pain and regret.

It's much better by far...

To forgive and forget.

Life is way to short and spending your time and energy staying mad or hating someone is such a waste not to mention hard on the person carrying all the baggage both physically and mentally.

I suppose right now your wondering why in the #&*@ I'm even writing this. Well it's like this I used to be a profesional grudge holder, I thought I had all the reasons in the world to be mad at people but then I realized there were better reasons to forgive. The best two reason are GOD forgave us and if you forgive and let go of all that crap you will live longer believe it or not.Plus if you go around kicking peoples butt all the time your going to wind up with really smelly shoes not to mention the skid marks it can leave on the top of the shoe. Well this entery is going down hill fast so i'll quit before it gets any worse. Someone going to read this and say how can it get any forget I'm a poet we have quite the imagination. Maisey (the cat) keeps running backand forth making that noise like stop ignoring me and play, she is quite the trip. She brings so much laughter to this house. Sometimes she like to peer around the corner and wait till I get really close and jump out, I don't know if she is trying to scare me or what but she ain't slick nor stealthy. for a cat she's kind of clumsy, truth be known she takes after me. I can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. Of coarse with Muscular Dystrophy I can bearly walk anyway.

Well it's early am and time to chill so good night all.

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