Saturday, Nov. 08, 2003 @ 9:05 p.m.
robertall41 wrote I was humbled when I bumbled

Wow! I guess I'm still learning how to be a cripple. I though there would be nothing to it... physically I mean. you just let your chair do your walking for you. NOT!!

Okay your wondering what in the world is he talking about... Well tonight I went out to see the luner eclips and of course it was really dark outside and long story short i went into a deep dip in the street and my wheel chair tipped over.I wiped out pretty good but the mental pain I think was much worse than the physical pain.

I struggled for what seemed like for ever to get back on my feet. luckly there was someone there to stand my chair back up so i could use it to pull myself off the ground. It was a very humbling exsperience to say the least but I would do it all over because I refuse to let muscular dystrophy turn me into a shut in.

Any way all's well that ends well, I got back in my chair and made it home with only a couple bumps and scrapes.

It could have been much worse.

I sure miss the days when I could run or when I could walk without extreem pain, but I am very thankfull that for now I still have the ability to walk...well it's more like a shuffle than a walk. well enough for now I'll write a little more later tonight. Bye for now.

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