Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 @ 12:58 a.m.
robertall41 wrote hmmm...

I have not been quite the same since saturday night. I can't believe a single event that lasted maybe fifteen minutes could have such a profound effect on me. part of me says quit being such a whiner and get over it and move on but another part that I just can't stifle keeps saying your a cripple your all washed up and you usefullness is gone. now I know this is not true and that I still have a lot to offer others like a kind word or or smile or maybe a poem but I desperately need to be able to help others in a greater capacity. I can't bear the thought of going through the rest of life just taking up space.

I love GOD and I know he will make something wonderful come of this but sometimes it's so hard to remember this simple truth. I know this because the Bible says in romans 8:28 that all things work together for good to those who love GOD and are called according to his purpose. This means GOD can make good come from even the worst situation or circumstance. I think the hardest thing about all this is seeing my dear sweet wife go to work everyday and never complain, work so hard and then tell her we don't have enough money for some things we need knowing that if I was working we could buy some of those things. On another note we have warm beds to sleep in and food to eat, are needs are met but we really could use a van with a lift so I could have some of my independence back. I don't know who would be happier AMY or I. my request is much simpler i would love a wheel chair that turns into a hovercraft which is also amphibious and can travel up to 70 MPH and goes 1500 miles on a single charge OH and can recharge in 15 minutes. Now I ask you is that to much to ask? tisk tisk. i'll put that on my Christmas list along with a 5500 square foot ice fishing house along with a couple minor appliances and things to put in it like a 60 inch plasma TV VCR, radio and a hot tub, fridge, beds, pool tables,stove, running water electricity and fire place. all very humble reasonable request ok maybe I'm getting a little greedy we'll forget the radio but I will need a moving crew to get it on the lake of my choice but I'll be coservative and only move it once a week if the fish are not biting. hee hee. anyway I just wanted to leave ya'll on a lighter note GBU!

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