Monday, Dec. 22, 2003 @ 8:57 p.m.
robertall41 wrote ring-a--ling

ring-a-ling ring-a-ling don't forget to put some bling bling in the red kettle when you pass the bell ringers. I am really surprised how many people don't. after all... I don't, only because I have no cash this year or last year. and thus started what I hope to be a long time many year filled tradition of bell ringing for the salvation army. I figured just because I have no cash doesn't mean I have nothing to give. I have many things and gifts to offer if people would take the time to get to know me. On the brighter side...Blah! I think I'm getting sick, fun huh?

Well merry Christmas everyone. Don't forget the reason for the season,

bless you all and to all a good night.

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