Thursday, Dec. 25, 2003 @ 4:09 p.m.
robertall41 wrote WE ARE TRUELY BLESSED

Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to everyone. hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Last night I was wrapping Amy's presents and started feeling Bad bacause I had so little to give her but as quick as that thought entered my mind I remembered how lavishly GOD has supplied our needs. We may want many things we don't have like a van with a lift for a wheel chair but it is not needed to survive, it's only a tool to make life easier.

truth be known we are blessed beyond description but let me try. first we have each other, many people spend the holidays very lonely, second we both still have our parents and they truely are wonderful people. I know alot of people who have lost thier parents or don't like being around them, my perents are totaly cool and very enjoyable to be around, mostly because I've grown up a little and my exspectations have changed. I'm also very comfortable around my wife's parents.

We also have warm dry beds, working vehicles, ample food, wonderful neighbors and so much more. Sometimes we need to stop looking at what we don't have and start realizing what we are so richly blessed with. sure life seemed better when we had two incomes but we still have all our needs met.

Since musular dystrophy has limited my abilities so much I have learned alot about about giving and accepting help help. many times accepting help has made a difference between falling on my face or making it to safe ground. a couple weeks ago a sweet lady from our church gave my wife and I 100 dollars, after taking about it my wife sugested we give half of it away and use the other half for Chrismas, that was the greatest gift of all (being able to help someone else out).

We are truely blessed!

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